Well it took longer than expected to get the 16MHz crystals, but now that I have some and I've updated the code to communicate by packets. Testing tonight.
I've been playing around with a few things recently. Software wise I've been honing my Java skills with a few little apps. I usually program in Eclipse but recently I've found I get a project up and running faster with NetBeans. I'll post them soon once they're a little prettier. The apps are:
A basic Race for the Galaxy game this interfaces with a PHP server but is incomplete as a mate implimented the game on his server.
A Tigris and Euphrates tile counter. This can read in the game log from the online implimentation at BoardGameGeek and tell you what tiles are left in the game eg. the tiles left in the players hands and the bag. Useful for those precious game winning final moves.
A program for sending data via the serial port to a 8 x 8 RGB Matrix. I saved myself the etching and purchased the semi constructed board from here.
To come: Organise and finish my guitar's pedalboard. I'm hoping to find an unwanted computer requisition the PSU and perform this instuctable again to get a nice smooth 12V.
Good thing it's winter - plenty of time to do all this :)